Saturday, August 15, 2009

......To the Soldier.....
The entrance to the Taylor family cemetery established in 1887. On the pillar to the left it states that the cemetery is dedicated in memory of John G. Rowley, World War Vet, Died April 21, 1941.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How come you hate this poem? I personally am not a fan of poetry, but this poem is one I really like. To me its about not conforming, be unique. Take that route that no one else takes. Be different, be never know whose life will change through you footsteps.

  3. Amen John. It's the only way to travel without regret. It's called the road less taken, because you are the only one who can take it. We each have a path. And there are signs and arrows and flashing lights pointing to it, and even Road signs. We come to this intersection many times in our lives. And there is always a dual sign at this intersection: one says John Centracchio Street, and one says Some Other Gent. Taking Some other Gent's Road leads you to some other Gents destination. Taking the road marked with our own names may often be the more rocky trail, with road blocks, and black ice and detours. But it's the only road you can take and end up earnestly at your own destination. The only one.

    I always suggest taking the road less traveled by. It makes all of the difference. Again, and again, and again.

    Enjoy the view.

  4. I just came by this page via a search for the poem but...I like your style! It's honest, fun, big on living life to the full, and obviously enjoying the path you are taking. A breath of fresh air.

  5. I think this poem by Robert Frost, is an apt description of how I have lived my life and that is why perhaps, that it was my favorite since I was a girl although my genetic ties are close to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and so was brought up on his words. This poem speaks to me and I found that my life has traveled just this way, one traveler sorry she could not travel both but my choice of the Road Less Traveled By has made all the difference in who I turned out to be and where I have been and how I shall continue to travel on through life. H.H. Hinds-Powell

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  7. If you have been at the school of hard knocks then you will understand what this poem is all about, some of us had to choose in life and without this poem it was going to be hard for me to choose, thanks to Robert Frost as he enlightened my decision making. :)

  8. Nice,place to visit, my first Blogger Site, scenery. Thank you.

  9. We have to memorize this poem for school. At first I was upset about it but after I truely started to understand the true meaning im very glad I had the pleasure of reading it & it really inspired me to take the right path even if im the only one.

  10. I have to memorize it too. Its a great poem, but hard to remember correctly.
